Eng.: Velvet bean
Sans: Kapikachhu, Atmagupta
Tam: Periya poonaikaali
An article on how velvet bean has been used to increase productivity around the world. It is a good forage crop and good ground cover to prevent weeds from coming up. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicines. It has been used to supplement food during droughts in NE India. The water it is boiled in must be thrown away to remove toxins.
Sans: Kapikachhu, Atmagupta
Tam: Periya poonaikaali
An article on how velvet bean has been used to increase productivity around the world. It is a good forage crop and good ground cover to prevent weeds from coming up. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicines. It has been used to supplement food during droughts in NE India. The water it is boiled in must be thrown away to remove toxins.